• Summerfield Community Centre, Winson Green Rd, Bham, B18 4EJ
  • 0121 454 4414
  • info@deafworld.org

Empowering deaf and hard of hearing young people


Empowering deaf and hard of hearing young people


Empowering deaf and hard of hearing young people


Empowering deaf and hard of hearing young people

Who we are..

Deaf World aims to enable and empower deaf and hard of hearing young people to access challenging opportunities and take ownership of the decisions that affect their lives through education, training, leisure, social and cultural activities.

What we do..

Deaf World in consultation and partnership with deaf and hard of hearing young people will endeavor to offer challenging programmes and opportunities.

Programmes that will enable young people to grow, develop, gain confidence and acquire independant living skills. Some examples could focus on opportunities such as outward bound residential, social, cultural and leisure activities, governance and democracy projects, international youth exchanges, opportunities for employment, training and education are just some of the potential challenges that can be developed and led by young people.

Peoples Health Trust